Thursday, September 01, 2016

New posts incoming!

It's almost embarrassing how long ago the last post was made, however after careful consideration, I'm returning to the blog for a number of reasons.

First, I got majorly distracted by a new hobby - 3D printing. There's a link to my Shapeways shop on the blog, but it has taken up a lot of my time both designing and promoting my stuff but another outlet (this blog) won't do any harm.

I set up a Facebook page to talk about this kind of stuff. You know what? No one ever sees it. Facebook pages simply don't show up in Google searches, and folk don't use Facebook like Google search.

If I post here I can easily share it on social media anyway.

I haven't looked at the Yearplanner for a long time. I'd just about used up my knowledge of VBA and Excel, and for reasons already mentioned, haven't devoted the time to enhancing it's functionality further. But I still use it myself every year ;)

Over the last few years I have a decent following on Twitter, but I'm guilty of using that platform (and Instagram) for promoting my 3D print designs. I can use this blog to more effectively talk about stuff I love, hopefully direct some followers here for an insight to the Tweeter.

Lastly, I read other peoples blogs which kind of gives me the impetus to write more,

P.S. I had considered moving to Wordpress... but I have a decent body of stuff here so why change?

Keep an eye out for my review of the Lix - the worlds smallest 3D pen!

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