Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

... someone updated their blog on a more regular basis than I do.

Today I'm looking at a really neat USB gizmo - the Sandisk Ultra II 4Gb SD card.

This is one of those SD cards that also slots into a USB port and presents itself like any other USB flash drive. If your laptop doesn't sport a SD slot, this little device is a godsend.

The 4Gb capacity means that it's only compatible with SDHC equipment such as my Acer Aspire One and digital photo frame.

However, flip open the cover, and the card can be used in any USB port. It mounts quickly on the Mac desktop, as well as Windows and Linux.

The double hinge mechanism looks flimsy, and it probably wouldn't stand up to rough handling, but it's well engineered and snaps shut with a satisfying click.

There's even a tiny activity light that remains invisible - I mean you really can't see where the LED is - when the card is unplugged from the USB port.

Transfer speeds are fast - what you would expect from this class of device.

All I need now is a few more gadgets that support SDHC!

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