Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ok, so no sooner than I post a less than glowing piece on my mobile phone, the K850i, it gets it's revenge by going tits up on me. That's right, it's got the Blue Ring of Death.

I'm usually immune to such gadget misfortune. I type this on a 7 year old iBook. I could probably type it up on my Atari Portfolio (yes, the one from Terminator 2) if I could get stuff off it.

The point is that, if cared for, most gadgets will outlive their usefulness and continue their existence at the bottom of a box. Like my original Playstation (a mark 1 model with all the av output gubbins).

So it should come as a surprise to find a state of the art device, only a few months old, fail inexplicably overnight. I say 'should', because I was well aware of the K850i's problems, but I thought surely, surely they (Sony Ericsson) would get on top of this well known firmware issue by the time I got mine.

But no. As of today it's back with Vodafone for 'repair'. We'll see how long that repair lasts.

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